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About Moss Puppy Magazine

Moss Puppy Magazine is an independent literary magazine founded in July 2021 by Melissa Martini. 


Our goal as a literary magazine is to feature and share literature that defies norms, challenges conventions, and embraces the unsettlingly beautiful and oddly innovative.


We are a platform for emerging writers and artists to share their unique perspectives and voices, with a commitment to embracing and supporting diverse voices.


Our core values guide everything we do, shaping our vision and ensuring that we provide a literary haven that nurtures creativity, fosters community, and amplifies marginalized voices.

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Mission & Values

We're passionate about unconventional creativity in literature.


We seek work that challenges norms and embraces innovation, whether in poetry, prose, or art.


Nature inspires us, and we aim to capture its beauty while emphasizing our connection to it.

We're dedicated to nurturing emerging writers and artists, fostering a diverse, collaborative community in the literary world.

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Hobbies & Interests

The weird, muddy, & Messy.

Moss Puppy loves thrifting for unsettlingly beautiful trinkets and oddly innovative objects.

swamps, forests, moss...

Moss Puppy loves the Swamplands, but she thrives in any habitat that is green - whether that's swamp water, marimo moss, or grass and gardens.

her faerie friends!

Moss Puppy has done quite a bit of adventuring, and she's made a few faerie friends along the way!

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